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Brush up on Your Skills: The Necessity of Good Brushes


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Having a good wheel brush changed the way I looked at detailing. Detailing brushes are a must. End of story, thanks for reading!

Okay, so maybe you want some more info. Good brushes are an irreplaceable tool for a few reasons. They are more efficient then other options, they do a better job cleaning due to the agitation, and most importantly, you look like Picasso.

Let’s look at wheel cleaning as an example. Without a brush the other common option is a microfiber towel. Which can be great for cleaning a simple 5 spoke, flat design. Yet, take a mesh design or a wheel with a lot of different surface heights. Trying to squeeze your finger into those areas with a microfiber towel is difficult and doesn’t provide the surface coverage you really need. A brush however, will quickly get into those tight areas and the right brush will have the cleaning medium in the best direction to clean the surface safely, easily and with much less effort involved. Then look at leather, a brush can really get inside those pores and agitate the cleaner to a nice lather, that’s why they use brushes for shaving cream. This allows a better, deeper clean of the leather. Don’t even get me started on scrubbing tires, cleaning engine bays, clean wheel wells, etc. brushes make each of these cleaning situations so much easier!

The only con is that good brushes can be a bit expensive, but they last for hundreds of details and usually are very well built, so you get what you pay for as they say. A good set of brushes for wheels, leather, even carpet/upholstery if you need to remove some stains, are priceless in my book. Below are some of my favorite brushes and what detailing step I break them out on.

Wheel Woolies – For spots where you need the medium to be cleaning around the brush rather than at the tip. (i.e. Inside a spoke pocket)
Small Wheel Brush – For tighter spots where only bristles can go.
Delicate Wheel Brush – Gloss black wheels anyone?
Tire Brush – Really scrub the dirt and grime off tires.
Leather Cleaning Brush – Get into crevices and develop a nice, rich lather.
Carpet/Upholstery Brush – Heavy stains that need a bit more bite.

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Conclusion? Get your Picasso on and add some quality brushes to your arsenal, you won’t regret it!

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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1 comment on Brush up on Your Skills: The Necessity of Good Brushes

  1. Bob says:

    Having the right brush for job to a detailer, is like an auto repair tech having the right hand tool for their specific task.

    I went from detailing with maybe 3 brushes as a kid to more than 20. I counted 7 brushes alone in my wheel/ tire bucket. And I could use a few more:)

    Just like the auto tech is always adding new tools to his toolbox. We detailers are always looking for the brush that makes the detail easier and better quality.

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