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Video l Foam Detailing Swabs


Swabs, swabs, swabs. The simplest of tools that make the biggest impact. Foam detailing swabs allow us to clean small interact areas on a vehicle not easily reached by conventional tools. Pairing swabs with cleaners like Tarminator and IPA maximize the potential of these tools and aid in removing old wax and polish residue. If you haven’t given these tiny tools a try, now is definitely the time. For me personally, there haven’t been to many other tools that have made a bigger impact on my finished product. Also check out my detailing essentials article on foam cleaning swabs. Thanks for watching!

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Hey guys, James here today I want to talk about foam swabs. In my opinion, these little tiny tools, right? We got big ones, we have small ones for little tight areas are some of the most important tools for really elevating your details. In any level of detailing for that matter. I want to talk a little bit about some products that we can use alongside them too, to really get into a lot of small, intricate areas and clean those areas out so that the whole general picture of the detail is as equally as good as, you know, the main body of the paints for me, intricate areas, little terrifying grills in emblems body seams, all those little areas have to be looked just as good as, you know, the big picture. And I think the combination of all those little zones. So if you add up all the little zones all across the car, you know, that equates for a big portion of the, of the detail, right jams, engine bay edges, body seams, grills in between the, you know, the, the headlights and all those areas that that’s those are, that’s a big portion.

And when those are look as equally as good, I think the, the general picture is that much better. So for me, before, I mean, before these I really struggled with, you know, with these little zones, I really, you know, you could try to get it microfiber towel in there and you could try to, you know, put a little alcohol, isopropyl alcohol on the edge of a towel and get those nice and clean. But it was a struggle. I, I’ll be honest, I, I, I struggled with it. You know, I would use steam, but it’s at sometimes old compounding residue just wouldn’t come out. And then foam swabs came around, came along and I, for me completely changed the game. I use these a lot with, isopropyl alcohol. So, for example, like if we’re doing even a light polishing process, say with like an all in one, right?

And we’re just lightly polishing the paint, but you know, a lot of the body seams still have a lot of dirt in them that the wash process didn’t take out. I’ll grab a little bit of isopropyl alcohol onto a larger foam swab and I’ll just go right along that body yet though that body seam just to dig out any, any dirt that really a wash mitt is obviously not going to be able to get in there. These do same thing. You have these pointed ones that I absolutely love for really, really fine tight areas. And you wouldn’t think right that this is going to make that much of a difference. But I’m telling you it especially for like the, the post correction, what we call the go through right, is inevitably compound and polish gets buried in, in an edge more than you want it.

Even though you’re taping it off and you’re trying to be stringent, you know, inevitably dust things just load up in certain areas, right? Where these are awesome for getting in, you know, in these little zones, these zones just to, to you know, get dirt and old polishing residue. Maybe it’s older wax residue from a previous detail or whatever. These are huge. Then a couple of other products that we can use that go along with it is a product like Tarminator, Tarminator, or foam swab is going to help you get out some really stuck off stuff that, I mean, I used isopropyl alcohol is only going to take out so much from these areas, right? Where if you put tarminator around here, you’re going to be able to get old wet, wet wax residue off. And a lot of other more stuck on things that he Civ all that kind of stuff.

So that’s, I mean, love Tarminator on a swab gets out everything. Super, super, super great product. And the other thing that you can do to maximize swabs is use something like, even like a light polish, an all in one a compound, whatever. Actually on this car there is the SS badges on the side in order to polish that paint, you know, in between the SS, you know, we put a little bit of a in, in this case we did a little bit, a little bit of D300 Meguiar’s D300, a little bit on the tip of this foam swab and basically did a little, you know, hand polishing. But with this, you know, with this swab again, just wouldn’t really be able to do that if I didn’t have these right. You can’t do it really effectively with a microfiber towel, which was kind of my old method of doing it. So just kinda wanted to, to share that with you guys. This is a tool that we blow through swabs like crazy cause we just love them so much and I just wanted to kind of share that with you guys and see and, and hear back and see how you guys are enjoying them. But I appreciate you guys watching and see you guys next time. Again, comment below. If you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you and see you guys soon. Bye.

James Melfi
Holliston, MA
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2 comments on Video l Foam Detailing Swabs

  1. Gilbert Brown says:

    I would like to ask you if you would prefer a foam cannon and which one and which one do you think is the best for the dollar pressure prefer d what psi or would a water hose do as good job . how much liquid soap and i bought the soap that is ping and don’t harm or remove the wax or sealer.

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Gilbert – A Foam Lance or Cannon is great if you are using in combination with a pressure washer. This will help foam up the shampoo you are using and it will stick to the paint to help break down dirt and grime. The psi is all dependent on the unit used and what pressure washer you have on hand. Make sure you check your PSI and GSM ratings and find a foam lance or cannon that pairs well with that.

      If you are only using a garden hose, you can use something like the Gilmour Foamaster, which does work great as well. It will not foam up shampoo as much, however, it still will help you apply shampoo to the surface when cleaning your vehicle.

      For shampoos, you want to aim for something that is designed to foam up and if you are looking to maintain an existing protection layer, the Gtechniq GWash is a great option.

      If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact us here (

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