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2 comments on Video | Scangrip Sunmatch & Multimatch Lighting

  1. Warren says:

    Hey JAMES, I find your instructional articles and videos to be well presented, detailed “ no pun “ intended, and very useful. I have however just come to the realization that the industry is marketing, with its intended audience “the Detailer’s”, at such a over the top rate and with a ferocity that has quite frankly been making me a bit jaded, discouraged, and dare I say feel like one of the have nots. I’m sure Scangrip is a great company and makes great lighting. However, I am in my 3rd year of running my own detailing business and I have made mistakes in what I thought would do the job as far as lighting. Some of it good for the price a startup like me had to spend. It’s just the costs of the lights, the steamers, extractor, compressors, especially when there seems to be no competition, it’s Scangrip or your doing inferior work. Perhaps it’s sour grapes I just feel like I gotta go to Ferrari level products with a Ford pocketbook. Oh well someday, thanks for your help, I always get something good out of your detailing techniques.

    • James Melfi says:

      Hey Warren-

      Man, I know exactly how you fee. There can be a lot of over-hype and marketing thrown at us daily, which can make it hard to decipher what we need and what would be a luxury item. Trust me I’ve definitely bought countless things I probably really didn’t need. I can honestly say though- that the Scangrip lights are a game changer. They have changed the way I spot defects and have probably made we a better paint polisher in the process. I so appreciate the support and I hope some of these videos help in your product research.

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