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CarPro FlyBy30 Windshield & Glass Coating Kit Reviews

38% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 8 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Cant write an honest review on this because i didn't get a chance to even use the product. Went to start the process opened the coating went to pour a few drops on applicator and the coating went everywhere the middle piece was missing.
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Would they buy this item again? No
No thrilled. Rain X is just as good and much easier to apply. The CeriGlass worked well bit os a pain to remove. I doused with IPA to remove as it adheres to the glass very quickly. No plans to repurchase but not a bad product.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Not thrilled. Rain X is just as good and much easier to apply. The CeriGlass worked well but is a pain to remove. I doused with IPA to remove as it adheres to the glass very quickly. No plans to repurchase but not a bad product.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Easy to apply and in my opinion works better and lasts longer than RainX. Great product will continue to use for improved visibility in rainy conditions
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Would they buy this item again? No
Doesn't come with the cotton pads. Only with 3 suede pads for the application block. Not sure what the sticker pieces are for. Don't think id buy this kit again because its missing items.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I purchased two kits. I was able to get almost 3 vehicles out of a single coating bottle, and still have a decent amount of Ceriglass left from the first kit. I had to open the second package to finish out the three coats on the front windshield of the third vehicle though, but I've been really pleased with the results. Water effortlessly beads and flies past on my windshield. I top this with Reload to hopefully help make it last a little longer too, in case that matters. The only thing that I dislike is that the glass seems almost coarse when drying with a microfiber towel, so I tend to get some lint on the windows even though the towels don't have lint issues anywhere else. It's happening on all three vehicles, so I'm guessing that's normal.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Application was a breeze and looks great. Calling for rain tomorrow so we'll see how it works.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Package did not contain what the package list indicates. It has two cotton applicators instead of five, and it has two foam applicator blocks that are very different, but there is nothing indicating which one is used for which step. From what I've read, the CeriGlass Polish is a pain to use; I wish I had researched it further before purchasing this kit. I'll test it out and hope for the best!

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