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Clean ⋅ Shine ⋅ Protect
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CarPro ReTyre Reviews

50% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 2 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? No
Most of the product sprayed with the applied sprayer was wasted, eg, on the ground. It is a foaming trigger but does not do a good job at all conforming to the circular shape of tires. With the spray pattern, you must spray about 20-30 times to evenly coat your tire, and at that, most will be wasted. These are my problems with the sprayer, not the product. I used this product on clean, and dirty tires, and it seems to clean well. I was not impressed with the overall performance of this when compared to other cleaners or degreasers. This may be a good product to use as your "final" tire scrub, and use your regular degreaser for the first and second clean. Use this to "perfect" the tire.

I was not impressed with this product from the first time I used it. Not worth the money in my opinion.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This product is great! It has been a whole winter without cleaning my tires. It took all the gunk off my tires with just one application and tire brush. the tires were squeaky clean and ready to go with a protectant. Extremely happy with this product! I wish it came in gallon sizes. I can't wait to try it on my customers Ford 350 truck where he insists on using that crappy tire shine at his car wash.

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