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CarPro SkysBlu Car Perfume Reviews

78% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 9 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I love that this product exists and so perfectly matches the smell of eraser. The scent is super strong out of the packaging. However, it does diminish overtime. All you have to do is place your fingers over the holes on the wooden cap and give it a good shake and scent is right back.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The only scent I will ever use in my vehicles. Everyone that gets in my vehicle loves how it smells. And it lasts a long time, also I only buy it right here.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The only car air freshener I will use in my vehicles, I give out samples to clients and everyone loves it. Lasts about 1-2 months
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Would they buy this item again? No
Smells okay. A bit more fruitier. Claims to last months but I got 3 weeks out of it. A bit bummed out about it.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Smells great! I use the cork top on the bottle as the wick by shaking the bottle once or twice to prime it (be sure to use your fingers to cover the holes on each side). Lasts about three weeks. Works great with keeping the scent fresh. Ordered two more, one for daughter who loves the scent as well. I'm locating in the South so we'll see how this works once the heat and humidity arrives.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
this air freshener has really good smell to it almost like car pro eraser but little more fruity. but what make this a really good air freshener beside smelling so good it will last you a lot. huge tip It come seal with a plastic cap I would pour a little on the wood cap and seal it again with the plastic cap to make it last longer.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I used to only buy this directly from CarPro but now I can order it along with other supplies from detailed image. This is the only scent I've had in all three of my vehicles for the past couple of years and I constantly get compliments about it.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I also bough this perfume from car pro directly and I can't disagree more with the previous review, once you hang the bottle the perfume sips through the cap and covers the entire car with a pleasant and strong enough smell. I have been buying this for 4 years now and will keep buying it, the smell is so amazing.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? No
Disclosure: I did not buy this product on Detailed Image, but I did buy it directly from CarPro.

Firstly, the scent is amazing and yes, it does literally last for months. I've had the same bottle in my wife's car for over 6 months and the bottle in my car is going on about 7 months. However, the freshener does nothing on it's own unless you help it out. What I mean is if you hang it from your rear view mirror, you will literally never smell it unless you spill it or turn it sideways to soak into the cap. Alternately, even if you use the vent clip to attach it, you still won't smell it.

It's extremely disappointing because it smells so damn good and does last forever, but on it's own, does nothing to enhance the smell of the cabin. I really wanted to love this product but they need to figure out a way to either help it evaporate better or redesign the bottle the allow it to be tipped over to help the smell disperse.

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