Hyde's Serum Rustopper Reviews
Professional Detailer Reviews
Many of us have wondered in the past how to keep that rusty look off brake rotors after a wash. I hate the look on my own car and I'd hate even more to give a client a freshly detailed vehicle with rusty looking rotors. Because we move the car around a few times between washing and handing it over to a customer, the rusty look on brake rotors goes away pretty much completely. However, there are usually still some remnants of it that could use a wipe down in order to leave a really nice finish on the rotor. Similarly to dressing the tires and trim, clean rust-free rotors give a detail job that extra contrast and much better look overall. With that, it would be a good idea to have a product on hand that could eliminate the need for wiping the rotor or leaving it as is for the client. This is where Rustopper comes in.
Customer Reviews
As a weekend detailer of my cars, I started using this product in 2023 and really like how it works and how simple it is. Just spray the rotors after the wheels are cleaned while still wet and let them dry. I find that moving the car a short distance makes the rotors shine and that makes me smile. Also, there are no harsh brakes sticking to the rotors after being washed and parked. One bottle lasts months. I only wish I had discovered Hyde's Serum Ruststopper sooner!
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