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Marolex Axel Foamer 2000 Reviews

67% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 3 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? No
I bought the marolex axel foamer 2000 about a month ago and out the box i felt i needed to pump a bit more than I thought was really considered an advantage to spread soap. I used Adams PH neutral soap so it should be safe to use in a foamer like this. However after 2 uses i usually wash my car every 2 weeks the foamer plunger would keep popping back up and the air pressure wouldn't keep. SO that's a con... I would say its a really strong bottle and its got convenient storage. I probably got a bad version of this unluckily. I saw this on amazon first but i got a deal on this site so i went here to save on the purchase. I"m not sure of the marloex return policy its really hard to find here.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have used this foaming pump sprayer many times and it works very well. It produces nice foam with many different products. It produces good quality foam from a foaming rinseless wash as well as when using car shampoo to wash wheels. The amount of foam lasts much longer with the amount of pumps compared to competing brands. In the future I would like to see an air chick valve to minimize the amount of pumping.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've only used it one time, but based on my limited experience with it, I would say this thing is cool and works as expected. There's something very satisfying about spraying a thick layer of foam on wheels and tires. Who would have thought? But seriously, I learned that a little Brake Buster goes along way when applied as a foam. I only used about 8-10 ounces of diluted solution to clean all four wheels and tires. At this rate, my gallon of Brake Buster should last me an eternity.

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