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SprayMaster Heavy Duty Bottle and Sprayer Reviews

80% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 5 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Bought this spray bottle to fill with Tordon for hack and squirt purposes and have been very pleased with it. Able to adjust the spray nozzle and does not leak onto your hands.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
We have used these bottles to store Oxine in them to spray in H2O in Chicken water buckets, and to clean their watering buckets for over a year. They last longer than regular spray bottles outside in the elements.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is the exact replacement for my previous bottle. No complaints.
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Would they buy this item again? No
These bottles have a tendency for the squeeze trigger to pop out of alignment holes if depressed to fast. They hold up Great with all the chemicals Acid-Alkaline and the trigger nozzle isn't affected. The only downfall is about the trigger coming out but can easily be put back into place. I can find better priced bottles that don't have such issues, I have a half dozen of these bottles and they all have the same problem. These bottles are used daily in a Professional Detailing Shop.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
So far so good! Haven't used it much. I like the trigger and how it sprays. Seems to be built well with the thick plastic. Thanks, Detailed Image for the quick service.

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