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Clean ⋅ Shine ⋅ Protect
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303 Touchless Sealant Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 4 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

I'm pretty happy with how 303 worked. We've used a few different products in the past and some have been horrible, others didn't last at all (maybe one wash) and 303 definitely shows a lot of promise. It's VERY easy to use and if my assumptions are right and the "rinse time" is a lot longer than something like Hydro, 303 Touchless Sealant will be one of the easiest to use sealants while performing well.
Product Review: 303 Touchless Sealant

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Works great just try not to use to much and do not let it dry. I use it all the time.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Tried this on two cars. One was a Macan with a two year old ceramic coat. The other was an Audi with zero protection left. I was amazed at how both beaded up as soon as this was sprayed on the paint. It was like some kind of sorcery. Spray on, rinse off is so easy there is no excuse not to do it. I'm not sure if I was overusing it but one bottle was finished after two cars. I can't speak to longevity yet. I definitely recommend this product 100%.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Have used it on my 2016 Camry, does a great job! Tried it on my neighbors 2006 and didn't work as well on older paint. Will hope it holds up for a few months as we are in pollen season here in florida! Will definitely make cleanup much easier! Just be sure to rinse quickly to avoid streaks!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
There are MANY products like this on the market right now, so what makes this one so different...a couple things actually.

The first is its American made, researched, tested, packaged and shipped right out of the midwest. Next is the size, a full 32 ounces, enough to do your SUV or pick-up or your regular car with enough left over for a touch up or more importantly the rims, thus making cleaning those MUCH easier. Next moving onto price, much MORE product than its competitors charge, value is important! Last but certainly not least is performance and 303 produces high quality products, so it's no surprise this product delivers the goods!

After washing your ride, while its wet, spray a covering amount onto 1 panel at a time. I let it sit for about 30 seconds (NEVER WORK IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT) and simply rinse away. Now if you've got NO protection you'll be BLOWN AWAY with the beading and shine. Already have protection...this makes a great topper for previously coated cars.

I mentioned before using this on your wheels and its PERFECT for this! Alot of wheels are hard to clean due to intricate design and/or finish (gloss black), applying this to a clean wheel makes your next cleaning easy due to the wheel being protected. I would even suggest having 2 bottles of 303 Touchless Sealant, one for your paint and glass and 1 for your wheels and because it's so easy maybe top up the wheels every 4-6 weeks, remember wheels are close to the ground, get hot and have brake dust being blown onto them constantly, so keeping them freshly protected makes cleaning them THAT much easier, GET OUT INFRONT OF IT!

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