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Lake Country Pad Washer System 4000 Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 18 ratings

Customer Reviews

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The Lake Country Pad Washer 4000 System makes it easy to keep buffing with a properly cleaned pad maximizing polishing efficiency. It saves me so much time, that I can't imagine doing paint correction without it!
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Came as advertized
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I am very happy with this purchase. This pad washing system allows me to clean without removing the pad from the backing plate. This will pay for itself with increased pad longevity.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Our last one lasted about 3 years before the springs rusted out. When the water is maintained this thing increases productivity and helps to produce incredible results. Great investment, better results!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
No longer do you need to clean your pads in the sink after using this puppy. Between polishing sections clean out your pad and all clean!! Use a pad cleaner or a rinseless wash as the solution and you'll see how it wash it is . Right the only thing I have a Con is you have to angle polisher just right or else you get sprayed when trying to dry your pad. Wool,microfiber,foam pads are all welcome. Even if you're not a professional this still great to have .
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I do not know why I waited so long to buy this. You can polish an entire car/truck with a single pad if you use this to clean and cool off your pad between panels. I would use 6-10 pads per polishing step per vehicle prior to getting the pad washer. Now I'll use two. I really am surprised how well it cleans the pads. Saves a ton of time cleaning them in the sink with the water running.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Saves a ton of time and pads during the polishing process. Cleans much better than compressed air or brushes and is easier on your pads. Just be careful not to use it too close to the car and/or clean up after a job because it will sling even if you are careful.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Excellent pad washed. Very nice for cleaning pads between passes. Very nice not having a pile of pads to wash after a paint correction.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
If your even thinking about getting one of these just do it! If your not thinking about it but you do paint corrections get it. Best detailing tool I have ever bought
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This pad cleaner is just awesome. Definitely easier than cleaning by hand and got them cleaner as well in a lot less time. You can clean instead of just grabbing another pad. Like I've seen from other reviews you can easily make a mess when drying the pad maybe if the sides were a bit taller and the ring around the top were a bit wider. Either way this is a must have!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
WOW! This thing is a game changer. I bought this for a project that had very oxidized paint. Being able to clean the oxidation out the pads regularly helped prolong the pad use especially when no compressed air was available. Be ready to get dirty, though, when you go to spin them dry. I highly recommend!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It is AMAZING !!!! You will go from not wanting to clean your pads to "I can't wait to clean my pads".

This is a MUST HAVE piece of equipment in your garage. Also, if you worry about the product drying out on your pad and leaving dust no need to worry because you can clean your pad during the polishing process so you're always working with a clean pad.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I should have bought one of these a long time ago! I used to go through anywhere between 10 to 15 pads while detailing a vehicle, cleaning them between passes with a Bigfoot pad brush and microfiber toweling.

I now go through 3 to 4 pads, max! I have noticed that the micro marring is greatly reduced with the slightly dampened pad after cleaning it.

If you do not have one, get one! it is a game changer!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Absolute must have! Saves time, money, and is fun to use!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Man. This thing is great. LOVE it. I do ask myself, "why didn't I buy this sooner?" - Then the thought creeps in: The cost.

I picked this up on sale, and with Black Friday's free shipping, got it for a very low price, compared to every where else. Where would I put the max price on this to make it worth it FOR ME? Hard to say.
Price aside....this is such a time saver. It really is. I might actually take it with me on mobile jobs just to clean and move!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This pad cleaner is my favorite! Works great with the Snappy pad cleaner, and really does get all the built up polish & compound in my pads.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
First It cleans very well. It's is very well made and easy to use. The only downside I find to this design is that its pretty much a waste of time if your trying to use it next to the vehicle your working on as it will splash water all over the car since there is no way to contain it. I would just use a bunch of pads and then clean them as it cleans pretty fast.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Works great The only downside it doesn't have the lid around it like the first one so when you're using it splashes

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