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Jenesco FM-14 Ozone Generator

Jenesco FM-14 Ozone Generator
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Please note: this item ships directly from the manufacturer in 5-7 business days

Product Information

  • Helps remove the strongest smells, mold and mildew
  • Strong ozone output of 4000 mgph
  • Should be used in unoccupied target areas
  • Product Code: FM-14
  • Read full description

Customer Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again
Based upon 2 ratings

Product Description

The Jenesco FM-14 Ozone Generator helps target and remove terrible odors and fight mold and mildew. Ozone gas removes odors, mold, and mildew by destroying the molecules, bacteria, and spores that cause that unpleasant smell. It will effectively clean any place that air can go. This includes in between fibers in your carpet, into cracks between plastics, through the headliner, into the AC system, and even around the house. The Ozone gas FM-14 emits is able to penetrate into all of these areas, attaching itself to the molecules, chemically changing the structure of the putrid smell molecules, destroying odors at the source.

While the Jenesco FM-1 Ozone Generator, and the Jenesco FM-2 Ozone Generator work great, FM-14 takes these machines to a new level. The high output 4000 mgph nearly doubles the output of the aforementioned FM-1 and FM-2. This means more ozone will be pushed around the target area, removing odors, mold, and mildew at a much faster rate. Jenesco recommends using this unit in your vehicle, but also larger areas like limousines, buses, recreational vehicles, rental cars, vans, and boats. It is also excellent for use in hotel and motel rooms, apartments, and extended-stay facilities. FM-14 can cover pp to 6000 sq. ft. for odors and 1000 sq. ft. for mold. With the power of this unit, Jenesco does however recommend using it only when the target area is unoccupied.

Please note: Does not meet California air cleaner regulation requirements (AB2276). Cannot be shipped to California.

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
The first use was five hours and, although it really knocked down the smoke smell, it wasn't completely gone. The following day I did another seven hours, which helped a lot, but my wife said she could still smell the smoke. The next day I left the FM 14 in the car for a full twelve hours, propped up on a stand so it was high and in the center of the vehicle. That seemed to do the trick. The smoke smell was vanquished, although the ozone will leave a fairly strong "bleach-y" smell. I should caution anyone using the FM 14 to take a deep breath before entering the car to remove it. The ozone has its own strong smell and it will get right inside your lungs if you're not careful when you open the door. But the thing really works! I had to leave the car open for a while...doors, sunroof, hatch. Just let the fresh air get into the car and flush out the bleach smell.
My takeaway? The FM 14 is worth the money. I found people who would treat the car for $100. But now I own my own ozone machine and can use it on all my cars whenever they need to be freshened up. I'd definitely buy it again and would recommend it to anyone dealing with an objectionable aroma situation.
By the way, the Chemical Guys New Car Smell really helped, too. After I was sure the smoke had been eliminated, I sprayed a few shots of it under the seats, in the mats, a little in the headliner. It brought the car back to what it smelled like when we picked it up last month. All in all, I'm satisfied with these products.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
This isn't actually a review, because I just got my FM 14 today. It's currently hooked up and running in my wife's VW Beetle. Backstory: The car was new last month, a birthday present. Ten days ago, she came home from shopping in the pouring rain. The key in her shoulder bag fell out into the car as she grabbed the packages. With a proximity key, you just touch the door handle and the car locks (except when its inside the car.) At 3:30 the next morning, two kids checking car doors hit the jackpot. They hit one of my cars as they backed out and tore across my lawn, on their way to smoke crack and cigars all night long. When I got up the next morning and saw the car gone, it took the police forty minutes for VW CarNet to guide them right to the car, morons asleep inside.
When I got it back, the smell almost knocked me over! No amount of detailing made a dent in the odor, so I checked the Detailed Image website and found the FM 14. Now I'm hoping for a miracle. My wife won't get back in the car because of the smell and I've got 2 years and 11 months left on the lease. If anyone has suggestions about how to use it to best advantage, I'd be glad to hear it. The instructions aren't too specific, other than to place it as high as possible. I also bought a bottle of Chemical Guys New Car Smell, but am holding off on using that until I see how well the ozone generator does on its own. Update to follow...

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