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Kwazar Mercury Pro+ Sprayer Reviews

89% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 9 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

There are a lot of inexpensive spray bottle options out there, and to be honest, I had never considered a premium bottle until trying the Kwazar bottles. The difference is tremendous. The Kwazar bottles are extremely well made, and feature a sturdy, durable plastic bottle with a very nice sprayer attached. These are a great option for the professional who is tired of replacing spray bottles on a regular basis, or for the enthusiast who wants a long lasting product.
Product Review: Kwazar Sprayer Bottles

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? No
Would not buy this again, I used it a few times and then left it for a few months. When I came back to use it, it stopped spraying and started leaking. I cleaned it out, reassembled and still leaked without spraying. I ended up discarding it. Quite a waste of like 15 bucks.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
There are a wide varies of spray bottles out, but this spray nozzle tales the cake. The double trigger saves your hands from being fatigue and long lasting
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
If you're considering whether you should buy one, buy a couple. I don't really write reviews, but these are awesome. Reliable, the double action trigger is amazing for your hand and gets it done twice as fast.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Quality time saving sprayer. Effective and efficiency is all I'm into when in comes to detailing products that fit the bill as they say. My go 2 bottle for liquid detailing products. More to come in future.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I used the mercury pro spray bottle for the lubrication process of claybaring . I have to say much more effeient than my past spray bottle .
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I didn't need this, but it was a Great price and I've wanted one for a long time, so I figured I'd take the chance and I'm glad that I did. Detailed Image put it on sale and that was all that it took to get me to try it. Thanks DI! What I like about this is the double spray action and the fact that it holds quite a bit of product and saves time by not having to mix up batches as often. I use this for mainly spray detailer and no rinse washings/clay bar lube (ONR). It works like a Champ and keeps my hand from getting cramps (I know, that's a little dramatic, but it does make spraying easier). I'm not a Professional detailer, just a Guy who likes taking care of their cars and likes products that make that job easier and more efficient. This Kwazar bottle does that.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great bottle/sprayer. But, I did not read the description closely enough. This bottle/sprayer will not work upside down like another that I purchased in the past. As for me, I will always buy the unit that can spray upside down. The double spray action is just too cool.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great quality bottle. Highly recommended for people who detail for money, for time saving is extremely important like me.
I been avoiding this spray bottle due to price, but now I regret that I didnt try this sooner.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great bottles. Very durable high quality plastic. I use it for my all purpose cleaner, clay lubricant, waterless wash. It is just great. Great design and makes you look very professional in front of customers

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