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3D AAT Finishing Polish 502 Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 1 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This one came out of nowhere, and knocked me out.

I've used it on a few cars already, with both short and tall stroke polishers on foam pads, and the gloss is just gorgeous. Reminiscent of ACA520.

The pads were a blue Buff and Shine, and Uro-Tech Yellow. Started with four small drops (some forum gurus recommend using way more than is needed. This is a waste of product, effort, and time. You will have to make too many passes to get the abrasives acting on the paint, too much pressure, too much moisture [which contributes to - ] going through too many pads, and more difficult wipe off), light pressure, and low to mid speeds - just enough to keep the pad rotating. I have a few cars where I used it strictly as a finisher, and one where I needed to remove some average annual wear, like wash marring, and such. The AAT502 is plenty strong enough to remove defects, but did still leave that signature gloss. I reloaded my pads with two drops of polish. For the 3" pads cut the amount in half. It had a great, buttery buffing feel over the finish, and can often times be "stretched out" to another section without the need for a reload. I've never gone through such a small amount of product. Wipe off is smooth, consistent and predictable. Doesn't leave hard to remove deposits on the finish. Leaves a clean surface.

I plan on trying it with my typical cutting pads, the Buff and Shine Uro-Fiber and Uro-Fiber Finisher to see how AAT502 performs in one step situations, where I normally use 3D ONE.

Definitely will buy again, and keep in the arsenal.

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