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Lake Country CCS Black Finishing Pad Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 2 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Regular lake county pads are good, but this design is just flat out better. These pads don't overheat and the don't absorb product as quickly as the regular style do. This is important because it means you can further on your car more safely before having to replace it for a new clean pad. Cleaning wise the pads clean just as easy as the regular lake county pads. The performance of this black pad is just as good as the regular lake county black pad. Not designed to have cutting power, but to be a finisher. It does a great job for final sealant/finishing polish and bringing out great gloss/depth to your paint. Highly recommend.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Glad to see the CCS pad added to DI! I prefer this pad over the flat black finishing pad, it seems to hold it's shape better. A great pad for final sealant application, plus it gives a little cleaning action on daily driver cars that could use a polish (but the owner chooses not to pay for that).

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